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A lady smiling watching her male friend have lunch

About us

Two men laughing looking at each other
Two men laughing looking at each other

Our Mission

To establish and provide ongoing support for voluntary, one-to-one personal relationships that will promote, protect and defend the personal well-being and interests of vulnerable people with disabilities in order to enhance their acceptance and inclusion as valued citizens in our community.

Two elderly women sharing a coffee
Two elderly women sharing a coffee

Our Values

We believe in independent freely-given relationships for people with disabilities as a way to promote inclusion, protect from harm and increase participation as valued citizens. 

Two men posing with a basketball
Two men posing with a basketball

Our Vision

All people with disabilities have the opportunity to experience, freely given life – enhancing relationships. 

Our Philosophy 

People with disabilities are entitled to a quality of life based on the same normative rights, freedoms and opportunities as enjoyed by other citizens. People with disabilities have a wide variety of needs for representation and relationships, which can be met by Citizen Advocates. The Protégé and the Advocate are matched to provide the best ‘fit’ between the Protégé’s needs and characteristics and Advocates skills, commitment and characteristics.

In order to support the development of effective advocacy relationships a Citizen Advocacy Program must be independent and separate from agencies who may operate direct services involving (potential) Protégé’s.

In order for Citizen Advocates to effectively represent Protégé needs, they must be free to develop a primary loyalty to Protégés and to act as independently and with as little conflict of interest as possible in meeting protégé needs.

Citizen Advocates should see themselves as supported by the Citizen Advocacy Program but: 

  1. Independent of the advocacy office itself,
  2. Independent of any of the agencies or settings which provide services for Protégé; and  
  3. Independent from families of Protégés in those instances where family interests are not in the Protégé’s best interests.
  4. At all times and in all ways the program must project and promote positive images in relation to people with disabilities. Valued thoughts, words and activities are needed to meet this important social responsibility. 


Program Manager: Nicole Marquis
Program Assistant: Daniel Hawes

Board of Management

Chairperson: Margaret Wilson
Secretary: ​Margaret Barlow
Treasurer: Christopher Nichols
Public Officer: Nicole Marquis
Member: Graham Booth
Member: Janine Walker

Two ladies smiling at each other in sports clothes
Hands holding a mobile phone next to a cup of coffee
Two men enjoying a coffee together